Sunday, May 09, 2010

of love and friendship

They say you run away to see who will chase after you, but sometimes it also helps to do the chasing instead and see who doesn't run away from you.

The former tells you who misses you and the latter tells you who doesn't appreciate you and who does. Sometimes, we just want to know.

It might not be a deciding factor as to whether or not that person should be our friend. I never believed in the phrase "she's not worth your time", its more of "you'll have to move on", because the word "worth" is far too strong. What right do we have to say we deserve the love, anyway?

I told my friend that "what's most important is the time spent together, not the time not spent together" and he in turn said something about how our most important job is just to make the ones we love happy, and not so much of how we are the reason they're happy. Just as long as they're happy, eh?

Since its mother's day, should we all remember how much our mothers love us? Do we even half the appreciation we should? I guess we all just want those we love to love us as much as we do, but does it matter THAT much as long as we know there are other people on earth who has that same amount of love for us?

Love's never fair in that sense, and it never will be. What is fair is that we'll eventually get the same amount of love between ALL our friends and family, not so much of sharing it between each INDIVIDUAL relationship.

All these things about relationships reminds me of what my mom told me, "every relationship should be a 'H' not an 'A'." (I believe peixuan has heard this before :]) Taking the two vertical strokes from each letter as an individual and the horizontal stroke as the link, we shouldn't be so dependent on each other such that we'll clash like the "A". A healthy relationship is one where we can live independently and cross each others' paths whenever needed.

& we shouldn't remember all the bad things in a friendship cause friends drift apart and get close to each other at different times. Sometimes the other party just needs a little breather if they feel we're holding on too tightly.

Don't worry, we'll know in time to come.

I remember how I've lost friends.
I remember how I thought I've lost friends but they came back to me in the end.
We should just be happy with what we have at the moment :]

There will always be somebody who loves us more than we love them, and that's all we have to know.

So lets just share the joy and not be afraid of loving others with all our hearts. It wouldn't hurt to love if we know it in its purest form.

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